C#: Caller member attributes

Feb 3, 2023
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In C# you can use the Caller* attribute to a method parameter to get more information about the calling method. Here I show examples for

  • [CallerMemberName]
  • [CallerFilePath]
  • [CallerLineNumber]
  • [CallerArgumentExpression("<parameter-name>")
Console.WriteLine("Call with anonymous value");

Console.WriteLine("Call with variable");
var v = "variable Hello";

Console.WriteLine("Call with expression");
Print($"Hello {2+4}");

void Print(string message, 
    [CallerMemberName] string callerMemberName = default,
    [CallerFilePath] string callerFilePath = default,
    [CallerLineNumber] int callerLineNumber = default, 
    [CallerArgumentExpression("message")] string expression = default
    Console.WriteLine($"Called this method with '{message}' from {callerMemberName}.");
    Console.WriteLine($"Which is defined in {callerFilePath}.");
    Console.WriteLine($"The call is defined in line {callerLineNumber}.");
    Console.WriteLine($"The calling method used for the parameter 'message' the following expression '{expression}'.");  

The output:

Call with anonymous value
Called this method with 'Hello' from <Main>$.
Which is defined in /Users/gbraun/Repositories/dotnet-lab/dotnet-lab/attributes/caller-attributes/Program.cs.
The call is defined in line 5.
The calling method used for the parameter 'message' the following expression '"Hello"'.
Call with variable
Called this method with 'variable Hello' from <Main>$.
Which is defined in /Users/gbraun/Repositories/dotnet-lab/dotnet-lab/attributes/caller-attributes/Program.cs.
The call is defined in line 10.
The calling method used for the parameter 'message' the following expression 'v'.
Call with expression
Called this method with 'Hello 6' from <Main>$.
Which is defined in /Users/gbraun/Repositories/dotnet-lab/dotnet-lab/attributes/caller-attributes/Program.cs.
The call is defined in line 14.
The calling method used for the parameter 'message' the following expression '$"Hello {2+4}"'.
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